Friday, November 26, 2021

How to Start your Own Business Online

Thinking of How to start your own business online? | What you need to know?

Learn the skill and build your own online business

You need good and experienced people to help you build your own online business. We at learn and build are ready yo help you get started. 

What you need to know about online business?

Online business is a business you do online. Just as you would in an offline business, setting up your online business requires much learning and preparation. Before actually starting the business, you need to prepare some essential tools to make your online presence. 

1. The set-up | Building an Online presence

Is a way to introduce your business online. This will be you main hub to get people coming to you in order to avail your products and services. This can be a combination of website, social media platform and other digital marketing tools to make your business up and running. 

1.1 How to build your online presence

Building your online presence can be overwhelming with the presence of so much social media platforms. These are the means where you can build your online presence, and you might have read a lot of articles and watched so many videos telling about their own stories on how they become successful using different social media platform like facebook, instagram, pinterest and youtube. 

The aim of online presence is to build traffic either organic or paid. Organic traffic are those people visiting your online business through searching online. Paid traffic are those that you pay an advertising fee to get your online platform to the right target market. 

1.2 The struggle of building Social Media presence 

In your situation, maybe you are still struggling with getting even more likes and followers. So you get stuck with it and got out of track to your online business. 

If you have an existing business, this is where you should start. Perhaps you may have your online presence but still struggling to get sales. 

Building traffic and making people buy your products online is the break away of your online business. This is where you should be improving your skills. There are
Certain skill level you need to learn to keep a business moving. 

2. The Tool | Operating your Online Business 

The operations of your online business depends on your online marketing tools. Just as you would do a marketing promotions, there are certain tools tht can be helpful. It is a matter of time to learn and make it more efficient. 
As you are building your business, you need to build a system that is workable from promoting your product, to sales and delivery. This requires some online tools to make your business actively running. 

2.1 What are Online Marketing tools you need?

a. E-mail marketing tool 

b. Online Payment system

c. Delivery System

These thee are essential online tools you need for your online business. 

a. The E-mail Marketing tools

E-mail marketing is still the best tool to reach out your prospective buyers. Selling online is an art and you need to be creative in order to make your online sales. It is difficult to engage people online and there are different stages that you need to undergo before you can actuallysebd them to your sales page. 

There are a some e-mail marketing tools and auto responders to connect your social media platform, website to your landing pages. The Landing page is usually created by these tools to collect e-mails in your data base. 

Apart from the collection of emails, there is a tool to send out emails where you can compose it inside that tools. 
Here are some of the e-mail marketing tools I know that is very useful;

1. Mailchimp 
2. Autoresponder 
3. AWeber
4. Gvo Autoresponder

b. Online Payment Method

The online payment method is very crucial to everyone’s online business. You need to set up an online payment process in order to make your business stay on top of the competition. There are some known payment processor like;


These three are very useful. 

c. Delivery System

The last of the one you need to have to make your online business up and running is the delivery system. This can make or break your business, online is a marketplace of the world, so the delivery can become the number 1 constrain to your business. if you are to deliver the product, you must consider the weight and the countries you are sending. There are different requirements for each countries. Depending on the product, some countries may or may not allow certain product. 
Apart from that, you need to study the finance aspect of how much it would cost. Better study thoroughly the pricing

Here at Learn and Build, we can help you get started with the business we can recommend that can help get started with our Exclusive Distributorship of Health and Wellness Product. A Direct-Selling program that can help you earn income in SIX WAYS. 

For an Introduction of this Business Opportunity, you can check this page;

To avail our training program, you can sign up here;  

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

How do business grow?

Today, we are going to explore "How to Successfully grow your business?"

Let us learn the basic principle that will help you grow your business online or offline. 

Growing Your Business can be a daunting task. However, with the right strategies, it is possible to achieve success. Here are some tips to help you take your business to the next level.

1.      Understand your customers: Knowing your customers' needs and preferences is essential in growing your business. Conducting market research and collecting data on your customers can give you valuable insights into their behaviors, expectations and pain points.

2.       Invest in marketing: Marketing is vital in promoting your business and attracting new customers. Social media, email marketing, search engine optimization, and advertising are excellent strategies to consider.

3.       Expand your product or service offerings: Expanding your offerings can help you attract new customers while retaining old ones. You can either diversify your products or services, or add complementary products that can help enhance your existing offerings.

4.      Improve customer service: Providing exceptional customer service is crucial in building brand loyalty and turning customers into brand advocates. Responding to customer inquiries promptly, personalizing communications, and offering tailored solutions to their problems are some strategies to consider.

5.      Streamline operations: Streamlining your operations can lead to increased efficiency and productivity. Automating manual processes, implementing new technologies or software, and delegating tasks to employees can free up more time and resources to focus on growth.

6.      Build a strong team: A strong team is essential in driving growth and innovation. Hiring employees with diverse skills and experiences, empowering them to take ownership and providing them with training and development opportunities can help build a culture of continuous improvement.

7.      Explore new markets: Expanding into new markets can help you reach new customers and increase revenue. Conduct market research to identify new markets and opportunities, then develop a strategy to enter these markets. In conclusion, taking your business to the next level requires a combination of the right strategies, tools, and mindset. By understanding your customers, investing in marketing, expanding your offerings, improving customer service, streamlining operations, building a strong team, and exploring new markets, you can set your business on a path to growth and success.

 The Business Growth Principle

No business have grown overnight, it is a process!
If you have made the decision to do any business, Congratulations! 
You have surpassed the greatest obstacle. But wait, after this what?
You might be asking that question, but you are in a far better position now compared to those who have not made any decision yet. You are standing on a starting point of an Entrepreneur. That is your Day 1 as shown in our image below. 

The ladder of Success 

Your direction is going upward. This is what you are going through starting from Day 1. As shown in our image below, the top part is the SUCCESS, this is your DESTINATION. There will always by a STARTING POINT and your FINAL DESTINATION. Depending on how you measure your success, the timeline may become long or short. This is where you are going to start. You need to set up a realistic goal on your SUCCESS. 

Doing Business is your journey. The more you move forward, the more you get closer to your SUCCESS. Most of the time, people are overwhelmed by their final destiny, but the real essence is in the way you travel along that journey. There is a big GAP between your starting point and your destination. As high as your DREAMS and VISIONS, you can create a segment of that  roadmap to your success by doing a consistent task everyday. This will be your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals.  

 Imagine you are in front of a mountain. Looking at it in front view, you will see a very high top (SUCCESS). This point of view an impossible DREAM.  Although this may seem very impossible to achieve if you are looking at it this way. There will always be a good way to view things. Seeing it at a different view, we can add a timeline towards that destination.

For Example, you are traveling a 200 km distance, you can now plan for the ways and means you can get there. There are so many different options and each option can give you different solutions and a specific time frame to reach your destination. An option to take a bus, may take you 2 hours, by private car, can be less while riding a bike or walking will take you more time to reach the end.

What is important is that you know what is the level of success you are looking for. Some can be higher than what you want to achieve, and some may be lower. This is where you can check the level of what you want to achieve.

As you go along, that DREAM can change over time and as you learn to develop your process. This will then create a system where you can duplicate so that you can avoid the mistakes in the past. If you are doing it alone, you can learn to transfer the knowledge to people where you build your Team and leverage your accomplishments through the time of other people.
In Item no. 6 of the Tips mentioned above, BUILDING A STRONG TEM is your key element in achieving higher Goals. This is what our training program is aiming for you as our reader and follower. 

KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT starts from you getting all the information you need and learn the process. Then develop a system that can be duplicated and delegated with people you can trust.

This will lead you to our TRAINING PROGRAM. 

Our training Program

Learn and Build is a training program that holds the principle of helping you bridge the gap between now (Day1) and your success. If you look at your time frame, your success will become more realistic because you can make a program to achieve one step at a time with your daily activities with the corresponding trainings you need. 

This image will give you clearly the path you are going to pass. There are ups and downs which is part of the PROCESS. Just keep moving forward as you learn. 

Here’s the graph of what you need to do. We have made a program to reach your SUCCESS.

The Ladder of success

Some may call it roadmap to success. In our figure above, i think it is more suitable to see our progress as a ladder or a stair. Each step of the way brings you closer to your dream. The process between now and your success are in the areas of Learning, Teaching, Delegating, Multiplying before reaching out the level of success you are aiming for. 
In terms of money, you might be wanting to achieve a $50,000 income per month, to smoe maybe $100,000 or $1M. It is all up to the person doing the business. Off course the level of commitment will be different too. If you want the biggest one you have to act fast. Meaning learn fast, work fast and work hard. As compared to the one wanting a lower value. 
Remember that DREAMS are GOALS  achieved with a specific time frame. 


Each stages you will pass needs learning. Thats why at the beginning, you need to develop a habit of learning. Most people failing in this business are those that are not in the mood of learning. Their attitude is the biggest problem. The first thing to deal with is to stay humble and teachable so you can keep learning. 
GLLA (Good Listening and Learning Attitude). 

To whom will you Learn?

To successful people. Those people that have already achieved that level of success. They are very much qualified to teach because they practiced what they preached. It is important to learn from them and follow their footsteps. 
The learning process goes up to another level which will bring one level up to your success. 

1. Learn 

Learn the skills you need to grow. Learning can be easy or difficult depending on the attitude.? If you develop an attitude of Good Listening and Learning Attitude, you can get the skills you need easily. 

What you need to Learn

The very first lesson you need to know is the principle of growth and the means to produce income. What will be your method to earn? There are 3 ways in 3 R principles;
  • Reseller - with products on hand, you can do the traditional method which is selling. Selling by sharing the good benefit the product you have
  • Recruiter - out of those regular buyer, you can invite those people who are interested to earn extra ny becoming a retailer. He gains commission from the product he sells
  • Retention - is the principle of keeping them and teaching them new skills. Just like you did, they are your business partner that you should retain. Teaching them is the best way to grow together. 

2. Teach

This is the second level of learning. To equip you to be able for you to teach effectively. The faster you can teach, the better but don’t be in a hurry. Some people are hard learners, some are fast learners. Keep doing the 3R principle. Establish a good number of people using your product to sustain your daily expenses. Keep looking for potential resellers and keep teaching those you that expressed interest to do the same business you are doing. This is a principle of multiplying your income in 3 ways. Master these 3 and you can reach to the next level.

3. Delegate

The delegation of work is the assurance that you get the right knowledge and pass on to the next with the same system you do. That means that you can rely on the person you are teaching so that he can teach as well. The most single proprietor business are not growing because they failed to do this stage. It will help you ease your activity but not your productivity. You will now be in a supervision stage. You get more advantage to oversee bigger things because have delegated a big task. 

4. Duplicate

This is a business of copy n paste. The reason why big businesses are getting bigger and bigger is because the are duplicated. Don’t reinvent the wheel, just follow the system, the proven system of successful people.

5. Multiply

The more you multiply your organization, the more you get bigger income. This is the stage where your earnings become unstoppable. Because your people are working just like you did.

To summarized the business Growth principle by multiplication, here’s the process;

1. I do it - You watch stage - Learning
2. I do it - You Help  stage - Teaching
3. I watch - You do it stage Delegate
4. You watch - He do it stage - Duplicate
5. He watch - He do it stage - Multiply

This is a cycle that has proven time and time again. It may seem simple but it can be complicated. With a Good listening and Learning Attitude, you ca be successful. Don’t learn the hard way, learn the smart way!

Monday, November 8, 2021

5 Skills needed to run a business successfully

 Running a business successfully

Finally you made a decision to start your own business! It’s time to move up to the next level, The goal is to operate your business to earn income online, 

what are the skills needed to run a business successfully?

There are a lot of skills needed and, we at Learn and build, have summarized the 5 major skills you need to run a business successfully. Before I give you the skills you need, let me show you the roadmap to your success. 

Roadmap to Success

You must define your success. 

What is your target income to measure your success? 

To some it may be earning income of $10,000 per month is already a success, or some may consider $100,000 or $1,000,000.  After defining your success level, you need to set a specific deadline to be able to challenge yourself to keep working on a target date. It may be within a year or two or 5. Again, it’s all up to you. Then we can determine;
  • What kind of work you need to do  
  • How much effort you need and 
  • What are the activities you will be doing each day to reach that goal
So in this stage, you need to write down your Goals, the level of success and prepare for Learning and Building your business. Our title Learn and Build is designed that way that you will learn the right knowledge to motivate you and the right skill to keep you moving forward. It would not be an easy job but you just need to be consistent. You may fail many times but that it's ok, it's part of the learning process to master that skills needed. 

Here are few questions you need to ask and I would suggests that you should write this in your own notepad to remind you;

Level of Success

1. What is the level of success I am looking at to consider my business successful? 
  • How much income do I need to be making? Height - means the income level you want to achieve to determine you have attained it. 
  • How many years do I need to reach that income level?  Distance - this means the length of time you will be working on it

The measurement of your success is in the achievement of your dreams into REALITY. 


1. What is your ultimate goal?
  • Personal goal - what is it that you wanted to accomplish and why are you doing this business?
  • Financial goal - How much money you need to consider quitting your job?
You can write as much as you can, these are just guide, you can improve as long as you keep SMART. 

Time Bound

You can leave this part for a while and take time to write everything you can. When you are done, you can go back here and continue learning the Skills you need to run your business successfully.

As a business owner, you need to follow a system that has already worked. There is no secret to success but there is a system. And that is what we will be talking about. 

The system or the program

There is a system that will help you run the business and grow. Each of the stages will give you a corresponding learning. 

Let’s start from your Day 1, the figure below will give you a better understanding on the 5 Skills you need to run your business successfully. Each stage is already a big success but that is just a level like going up the stairs so that at the end of the 5th skills, you are already getting more results and celebrate your success. 
Off course, depending on how big your goals are, you should match that with big effort as well. What we need to do is to make the most of your free time so that you will not interrupt your day job. Our aim is to transition you from being employed to be running a business successfully. 

The 5 Key stages for business growth 

These are the 5 key stages to know if your business is growing. This is our ladder of success. As you move forward, you are climbing up a stair towards the growth of your business. The main foundation and the backbone of the business is in the training program. Each step of the way signifies progress and its all with the solid background in LEARNING while continuously BUILDING your business. 

The five key stages are;

1. Learning
2. Teaching
3. Delegating
4. Multiplying
5. Earning and Earning Big, Bigger, Much more Bigger Income

The Law of Leverage 

The system used in this method is the same system used by successful people. It is called the “Law of Leverage” if you own a business, and want to earn bigger income you need to branch out. The more branches you have the bigger income you will have. But as a start, you need to feed your own business to grow. It will start basically with you. Alone doing multi-tasking  job. It will be hard work initially and as you grow you work smartly. There are times you need to put extra hour just to get what you are aiming for. You can earn income but it will still be small. 

The Learning process

This is where your first Skill is going to appear. Learn first before you earn. From your Day 1, you learn the skill of how to start the business therefore you made that one big success, your decision to start. The next stage of learning is the skill of how to run the business. How will you earn money as you go along with the process. 

  1. When are you going to make your first sale?
  2. What is the skill you need to learn at this stage?
Any legitimate business has a product, and from that product, you can generate sales! So, as you start running  your business and since you are alone, you need to learn how to market your product. 

5 Skills you need to run your business successfully

1. Marketing Skills

The first Skill is learning how to Market your product so that you can generate sales. Online marketing is similar to the offline marketing. The good thing about online marketing and online business is that you don’t need to have physical store to run your business. You can do marketing and online promotion to different social media platforms. In our training program, you will master the marketing skills and we will teach you how to do it professionally with the tools you need like autoresponders and email marketing to automate your system of selling and delivering your product to customers. Here, you will learn how to use your phone to run your business through the online marketing strategy you will learn. 

Become online Marketing professional

The Teaching process 

Sooner or later, when your business is up and running, you will still be learning new skills. This is the skill in teaching by becoming a leader, you branch out, you need to teach your new business partner  in such a way that they will follow the same system you have done just the way you have done when you got started. Onwards is a skill development in teaching and leadership. So the second Skillset of learning is;

2. Leadership Skill

The attitude of a leader will vary so much with how you can become effective leader. You will progress very fast if you have that attitude of learning. This quality of learning is very true and effective when you have the GLLA qualities. Good, Listening, and Learning Attitude. 
The reason why teaching is second to the ladder of success is that, people usually get stuck with the skill 1. 
Because they have never conquered their pride. The attitude of learning is a humble gesture but as soon as you master your emotions, learning will come faster and you will have the enthusiasm to teach other people as well. The best teacher is our ability to learn. And when you learn more, you can teach more with the right attitude. 

Delegation process

Delegating the job is transferring your teaching skill to your business partner. The more you are able to transfer your skills in teaching the more you get away with multi-tasking. You are now expanding your business and were able to leverage your business. The third skill level is in the Skill of;

3. People Management Skill (HR Skill)

As you are able to delegate, you become aware of the right people for the right job. Human resources is a broad skill, you will learn how to read people and know their potentialities. You will learn how to put the right people into the level of their skills and how to leverage them as well. As your business grows, the human resources grows as well so you will learn how to manage people properly. Imagine at this stage,  compared to what you are doing the first time, the same effort but in different method. Before you work hard and achieve small, at this time, the same hardship but different level of activities but your earning at this stage is bigger than it was. By this stage in time, you will be achieving something. Getting closer to your success. 

The Multiplication process

If you can have one branch, you can still accommodate to do more branch. As you master those skills in parallel with your learning process, now you learn how to multiply your business by doing the same system of growth yo run your business. As you are able to teach, the people whom you taught can also be a candidate to teach as well. If you have been able to delegate and duplicate your system to them the more you can do much. The fourth skill is;

4. Communication Skills

Open communication will lead a healthy conversation with your team. As you develop your leadership skills, your manner of communication develops as well. Essential to the communication skill is the learning and teaching and most especially the ability to organize. Its not easy to handle different types of people but with the proper communication skills, you will have a healthy environment which is contagious. The more you master this, the more you can increase your income

Increasing your income

Is now your measure of success! The moment you hit the mark you set for your goals, then that is your success story! Therefore the last skill is;

5. Financial Management Skill

You will learn how to manage your cash flow. As you have reached your success, you can also see that your earnings keep growing so you need the financial management skill to know where to put your money. You can spend more quality tone with your family and reward yourself. 
Here, you will learn how to reinvest your money to another business. If you can do all over again with these process, we can definitely say that the system has worked effectively again.

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Become online marketing professional

 Learn how online marketing works | Get the Skills needed

Getting online and seeing people work best in their online business is awesome. I just got wondering how they put it altogether? They are very good at automation, e-mail marketing, getting you sign-up to subscribe from the social media platforms. Well done like a professional. I just wanted to become an online marketing professional. Where to start and what needs to be done?

How to become online marketing professional?

You need to get ready to learn more. The process may take time to learn every skill you need. What do you need to know. As online marketer, you need to learn how the process works and how you want to operate your business. The automation system can short cut your process but you need to plan what will work best. Each of the system to automate your online marketing needs a lot of time to analyze how your process works best for a targeted market. 
You can learn by understanding the workflow and we will get into it in details in our training program. 

The diagram shows the automation process. The gateway is in your website or social media platform. Understanding the process will most likely lead you to become master in online marketing. This is not complicated, you just need to know how all of these play together and get the results you need. 

What do you need?

You need to get the training in online marketing. If you want to learn more you can sign up here:

Thursday, November 4, 2021

How to make a good Decision | getting started

How to make a good decision 

Starting a business needs a major step, a step to make a good decision. Learn and build is here to help you how to make a decision and get you started with the business. The things you will learn here will help you shorten the process, though it will all fall on you. 

How to make good decision?

Making the right and good decision is coming from knowledge and confidence to what you are deciding from. Starting a business comes with a great idea. And that will be followed by a decision to get started. Here are some of the checklist you meed to do before making a good decision. 

1. What problem are you solving?

Starting a business with a product in mind, before producing the product, This question must be answered first. It is an evaluation to proceed if you have identified what product you will be promoting. Instead of creating a new product, there may be an existing ones that needs to be improved and re produced. This question will give you a better solution to the problem. The reason why people buy a certain product is because of that particular problem you are identifying. 

Better write down your notes and see what else you can get to give you a better perspective of the product you are launching.

2. Who will be your target market?

A market research will also give you a better idea to make a product design according to your target. Are they for rich, medium range or low income consumers? Planning for a specific market leads you to know how much capitalization required. Not only that but the outlook of the product design, the cost and the time frame required to produce, package and deliver. 

3. How much capital you need?

You will be investing money from here, better know your cost. Are you able to recover and get a fair amount of return on your investments? 
You need to make your cash flow projection. The good thing about online business is that you can really start small for as low as $10 or even for free. You just be resourceful and smart. The capital investment if you have a very low budget is starting for free but you need to spend time working on the platform before you can actually earn income. 

A good example is starting a blog just like this one, make the blog an avenue to produce income. 

Learn more by joining our facebook group and get more valuable training and materials to help you make a good decision

How do you earn income online through a blog?

There are so many options to earn income using your blog. These are some of many different option 

A. Learn through Affiliate Marketing
B. Earn from Google Adsense
C., Earn income by selling products online

You can Start a blog for free. Each of these 3 I mentioned requires skill in promoting products of otger people. Later you can create your own product or line of products. 

Affiliate program 

There a lot of affiliate programs available online. Be resourceful and find the right one for yiu. 
From Digital products to books and much more. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Start Small Dream Big l Create your Own Economy

 Its never too late to Get Started | Start Small Dream Big

Some people think getting started  will need a lot of money, but it would be better to start small dream big and work your way to make it big. 

More big businesses started this way. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, the list goes on. If you want to learn, learn from the great stories of Successful people. You can get so much wisdom from it. 

This concept was actually initiated by Early Childhood development to prepare kids to achieve bigger things in life. Its very foundational that we can adopt with the attitude of learning of a child.

What you need to get started?

You need business idea and determination to do it big. Anything you can imagine can be your starting point. This is where our training starts. If you are looking for an opportunity, why not get started with our training? You can connect with us on our facebook page at LEARN and BUILD  and send us a message to better help you. You can join our facebook group at Learn and Build here;

To start a business you need to have the idea and we will help you explore that idea and formulate the business plan. If you don't have idea, we can also help you get started with a good health and wellness products. Either way, the process are the same, you will work on it to make it big.

The first step is to Make a Good Decision

If you read our previous blog  Learn and accomplish something we have a suggestion about making the right decision there to learn more. 

DAY 1 is different from ONE DAY. Day 1 is the actual counting of your big dreams. It cones after making that big decision. That means you are in business! The more you need to learn because the process may take longer if you make a trial and error. Go for the system that has been proven and works best.

 “ONE DAY” is a wanderer. Having big dreams is good but dreams without action is a wishful thinking. You keep dreaming that One day you’ll be there. This should come after the decision as well. Dream, Decide and Dream again and set your feet to Day 1. 

This is the right decision. With action. Don’t delay, after learning what you need to do make a decision right away. 

Invest small and keep Learning

Any business requires investment. Depending on your idea, you can start with small investment. Work on what you have. Setting up a business, to many, requires huge amount of money. It is actually but as that will come along as you progress. Invest small means knowing your priorities and keep moving forward so that your Day 1 would turn into Day 2,3 and onwards. Each day keep working on something that will produce result. 
Keep learning as you progress. That is you best investment. Make the most of your time. Our training will guide you all the way. Visit this blog always because we keep publishing new articles to help you grow. You can sign up for our free subscription to send you our latest blog via email to keep you updated. 

Please do share your thoughts on our comment box. If you have question, you can email us or message us via facebook page, LEARN and BUILD. 

See you again on our next blog.