Friday, October 29, 2021

Failure is success in progress

Why failure leads to your success?

More often, we look at failure in a negative way. A means to close the door and never try again. In most cases, people who made extra mile to stand up and get back on their feet are more likely to achieve success. We see so many inspiring stories of successful people have gone the same thing, the more failure they got, the higher they climb to the ladder reaching new heights. Failures is a blessing in disguise if we look at it in a positive way. 

Failure is a part of the process in success formula!

  1. How is failure a success in progress?

These are some of the points that leads to success;
According to Caroline Castrillon in her article “Why failure Leads to Career Success”  
  • Failure leads to success and it can help check your ego
  • It is an inspiration to positive change in our behavior
  • Failure gives you a new perspective
  • Failure teaches you to be resilience 

Checking our Ego 

Whenever we fail, we need to check our ego. Are we to entertain pride or be humble? This is the biggest game changer. If we chose to drop that pride and be humble to change our act, you are on your way to success. Failure fosters humility that will lead to self improvement. The fact that we recognize the failure, we are allowing ourselves to accept our limitations which can lead to find new ideas and new ways to perform whatever task we are doing that causes the failure. 

Changing our behavior

As soon as you recognize the mistake and humbled yourself, the kind of behavior changes. We will never look back on our failures, regardless of how many times we fall. The focus is on how to get there, thats attainable if we have that positive attitude. 
This will drive us up and keep us moving forward.

New perspective

The process goes on and it will become precedent. New heights, new perspectives comes into play. The way we perceive things change as well. New direction or new way to combat the task we are doing towards the goal. 
The more we recognize our mistake, the better we see clearly and that leads to our next point, being resilient.


Is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, to spring back into shape. A task done repetitious becomes easier. As long  as you keep trying, and keep doing, you become the master of your skill.
Stopping is not the option but our determination to move forward brings failure a success in Progress. 

If you want to know more follow my fb page at For my coaching page or my training program at Learn and Build fb page 

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