Saturday, August 18, 2018

How to overcome Common Objections in Network Marketing

Many people will always say they don't have time
This is what you will often hear when you offer the business opportunity to people, they don't have time.

Actually they don't understand the business that is why they say they don't have time. It is a common excuse for those who don't want to do the business or are not really interested. Otherwise, they will find time.

If you are that person who easily say you don't have time, you need to take a look what you are busy with right now.

Are you getting the worth you wanted to have with the amount of time you spend with?

If you are an employee, oftentimes you spend  8 hours a day or do more overtime just to help you earn more income. If your overtime is paid, you will be very thankful about that, but most of the companies around the world, they will hold you responsible for the task you are assigned to and never they will pay you an additional amount for the additional time you spend at work. Overtimes are not paid in most cases.

But you are willing to spend more hours to work, because of your commitment, but are you getting any better in terms of spending quality time with your family? This is usually the struggle of all employed people.

If you say you don't have time to do the business, is it really because you don't have time?

I would like to give you some pointers to check if you really don't have time

Is the time you are spending with gives you more value in terms of earning income?

How do you spend your weekend?
or your time after work? Do you hang out outside? I believe you do that, and that is how we relax for the very stressful day at work, right? If you are hanging around and goes home late, the real reason is actually a matter of priority. You love to spend most of the time that does not give you more value in terms of getting the income you need. You just want to hangout and relax.

Supposing that you have more bills to pay, you would really take time looking for some golden opportunities where you can earn extra income. Which of the time you spend with?

Well, The business opportunity does not require your whole 24 hours. You can do it on your spare time and you can do it online while you are on facebook.

Understanding how the business works, you can always find an extra time that gives value and earn income. This business opportunity gives you the chance to earn more while you are still being employed. You need not leave your job. You just have to be wise and create a new means of income. Imagine if you are earning in your current employment and are enough to pay your monthly bill, then, with this opportunity you will also be earning and that case whatever you earn you are already putting it in your savings? That is the very smartest way you can do.

With this pointer, you will never ran out of time!

Read my article on Income Replacement Plan

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Airborne Disease

You can catch disease simply by breathing. 
These are called Airborne Disease.

How to prevent them? 
Aimworld has the unique product that prevents airborne diseases.


iProtectis a breakthrough product that is helping to control the spread of communicable diseases and protecting individuals with this self-protection technology anytime anywhere.

This will give you a 1-2 meter airborne protection against flu bacteria and viruses
Be protected 24 hours a day and 7 days a week with iProtect 24/7 
 This amazing product is made possible through the clinical research for 30 years
A product creating a barrier of protection from unwanted particles.

This product is one of a kind. Double-patented in the US and single patented in Japan showing it’s reputation to compete in Global Market.

Whenever you are travelling, you need to have this type of protection. It comes with a free necklace that serves as the case of the ta bag like product which emits fumes within the 2 meter radius. The fumes fight back bacteria and disintegrates before it reaches you. The Tea bag last for 60 days.

You can wear the necklace as an accessory anywhere, anytime.

The packages contains two products!

The other breakthrough product includes Careleaf which is the first Thermal relief patch in the World

The Patch gives an immediate soothing heat-relief, anytime, anywhere!

You can also become a reseller of this product and earn extra by just simple referring to your friends!
This products is distributed by FedEx Worldwide and you can purchase online.

Buy the Product here

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Unvailing the Income Replacement Plan | A Comprehensive Guide to Financial Security

In today's dynamic economic landscape, ensuring financial stability and security for the future has become increasingly crucial. With the uncertainties brought about by job market fluctuations, unexpected expenses, and retirement planning, individuals are seeking comprehensive strategies to safeguard their income streams. Enter the Income Replace Plan (IRP) – a strategic framework designed to provide a safety net and financial resilience for individuals and families alike.

Understanding the Income Replace Plan

 The Income Replace Plan (IRP) is a proactive financial strategy crafted to mitigate the risks associated with income loss or reduction. Unlike traditional savings or investment plans, IRP focuses specifically on maintaining or replacing income in case of unforeseen circumstances such as job loss, disability, or retirement.

Key Components of the Income Replace Plan

Income Assessment

The first step in crafting an effective IRP is to assess your current income sources comprehensively. This includes your salary, bonuses, passive income, and any other monetary inflows. Understanding your current income streams lays the groundwork for developing strategies to protect and replace them.

Emergency Fund Establishment 

Building a robust emergency fund is the cornerstone of the IRP. Financial experts recommend setting aside three to six months' worth of living expenses in a readily accessible savings account. This fund acts as a buffer during unforeseen financial crises, ensuring the continuity of essential expenses without resorting to debt or liquidating long-term investments.

Insurance Coverage

Adequate insurance coverage forms a critical component of the IRP. This includes health insurance to mitigate medical expenses, disability insurance to replace lost income in case of incapacity, and life insurance to provide financial security for dependents in the event of premature death. Carefully evaluating and securing appropriate insurance policies tailored to your needs is paramount for comprehensive financial protection.

Diversified Income Streams

Relying solely on one income source exposes individuals to heightened risk. Implementing a diversified income strategy, encompassing multiple streams such as rental income, dividends from investments, or freelance work, enhances financial resilience and reduces vulnerability to income disruptions.

Retirement Planning

Planning for retirement is an integral part of the IRP. Contributing to retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, or pension plans ensures long-term financial security post-employment. Calculating retirement needs and regularly reviewing investment portfolios are essential for maintaining income replacement during retirement years.

Continuous Review and Adjustment

Financial circumstances evolve, necessitating regular review and adjustment of the IRP. Life events such as marriage, childbirth, career advancements, or economic downturns may warrant modifications to existing strategies to align with changing goals and priorities.

Benefits of Implementing an Income Replace Plan

Financial Security

The IRP provides a sense of security by safeguarding against income loss or reduction due to unforeseen circumstances.

Peace of Mind 

Knowing that adequate measures are in place to replace income in times of need alleviates anxiety and enhances overall well-being.


An IRP offers flexibility in adapting to changing financial situations, empowering individuals to navigate life's uncertainties with confidence.

Long-Term Stability

By incorporating retirement planning and diversified income streams, IRP fosters long-term financial stability and independence.

If you are actively working, this guide will help you create an income replacement plan. As most people get their income from employment, it's better to start early to prepare for any changes in the job market. The pandemic has shown us how quickly things can change, leaving many without jobs and struggling to make ends meet. However, it's important to remember that there are always opportunities to create new income streams and take control of your financial future.

I encourage you to look beyond the current challenges and see the possibilities ahead. While it may seem overwhelming at times, investing in an income replacement plan can provide long-term financial stability and peace of mind for you and your family. Please see the revised version below:


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Thursday, July 19, 2018

How to overcome the fear of rejection | face your fear


The Fear of Rejection In general

We face a lot of fears in our lives. We fear something. These fears have their origin. It is a result of bad experiences in the past. Surely it is a very uncomfortable experience, painful and shocking. As the years go by, you keep avoiding things that may be similar incidents and be very very cautious of not going into that kind of situation again. It will affect the way we think and the way we act. It can also be extended to the way we deal with our relationships with friends, families, and other people we meet every day.

The fear of rejection is a common yet formidable obstacle that can hinder personal and professional growth. Whether it stems from past experiences, societal pressures, or innate insecurities, this fear has the potential to paralyze individuals, preventing them from pursuing opportunities and realizing their full potential. However, by understanding its roots and employing effective strategies, it is possible to overcome this fear and embrace a life of empowerment and resilience.

Understanding the Fear of Rejection:

At its core, the fear of rejection is rooted in the instinctual desire for acceptance and belonging. Humans are social beings, wired to seek approval and validation from others. Rejection, whether real or perceived, threatens this fundamental need, triggering feelings of inadequacy, shame, and unworthiness.

Moreover, past experiences of rejection can exacerbate this fear, creating a cycle of avoidance and self-doubt. Whether it's a romantic rejection, a professional setback, or a social snub, these experiences leave emotional scars that can linger long after the initial incident.

Strategies to Overcome the Fear of Rejection:

  1. Cultivate Self-Compassion

  2. Recognize that experiencing rejection is a natural part of life, and it does not diminish your worth as a person. Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially in moments of vulnerability.

  3. Challenge Negative Beliefs

  4. Identify and challenge negative beliefs about rejection that may be holding you back. Instead of viewing rejection as a reflection of your inherent flaws or shortcomings, reframe it as an opportunity for growth and learning.

  5. Set Realistic Expectations

  6. Understand that not everyone will share your perspective or appreciate your efforts, and that's okay. Set realistic expectations for yourself and others, and accept that rejection is a normal part of the human experience.

  7. Build Resilience

  8. Cultivate resilience by developing coping mechanisms to navigate setbacks and disappointments. Engage in activities that promote emotional well-being, such as mindfulness meditation, exercise, or creative expression.

  9. Practice Assertiveness

  10. Assertiveness is the antidote to the fear of rejection. By expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs authentically and respectfully, you empower yourself to advocate for what you want without fear of judgment or rejection.

  11. Celebrate Courageous Action

  12. Acknowledge and celebrate your courage every time you confront the fear of rejection and take action despite it. Whether it's asking for a raise, expressing your feelings to a loved one, or pursuing a new opportunity, every step forward is a triumph of resilience and self-empowerment.

  13. Seek Support

  14. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who uplift and encourage you. Whether it's friends, family, or a therapist, having a strong support system can provide validation and perspective during challenging times.

On The Business Aspect

On the business side, this can also be considered one of the major reasons why people are not going in this direction. They may have found comfort in their day-to-day job and end-of-month salaries. Satisfied, living within their means, and relying on what will come each day. 
The majority will really agree, therefore, any people who are doing the business, especially Direct Selling, will experience so much force to not pursue their journey. It is all against the odds, just like going in the opposite direction where the majority of people look for a JOB instead of looking for a Business to start.
As a beginner, this scenario can also cause you to FEAR. The most familiar is the Fear of REJECTION!

How do you face your fear?

If you are new to Direct Selling, you will really face the greatest REJECTION of all. People you are going to deal with are not open to such kind of opportunities and oftentimes you will be regarded as a SCAMMER. Don't let this force control you or stop you. It is the acid test for the business because you are dealing with the MINDSET programmed differently from yours. 
Just like dealing with electricity, for example, you cannot mix 110 volts to 220 volts. It will really explode. That is the kind of Rejection you are going to face. But if you learn the business and know how they think, you will understand the reason behind it and know the right candidate to invite and know how you can deal with them. Just like fear, Fear has brought people a lot of defense mechanisms so that when they encounter seemingly similar situations, they can be on guard all the time. 

Rejection deals with your emotions. Most people starting with this kind of business who have not learned to face these oftentimes get more likely to quit. 

Learning the business means you have to understand the ABC basics. New Distributors are advised to attend the training in NDO (New Distributors Orientation). So that they will know the deepest purpose of why you are doing the business. This is a completely different kind of business that will have to face the most difficult tasks because you are going to go against the odds. 

People are usually overwhelmed by the Marketing Plan and are looking ahead of time for Success. Realizing that this is a real business. We need real work which may require hard work and smart work. Like any other business, it does not come overnight. The road ahead will be long. Keeping yourself focused on the deepest and most compelling reason why we are doing the business will help us reach the end of the tunnel.

Every successful ending has a painful Story. Let those painful stories serve as an inspiration and the Successes be the motivation for those who are getting started. You are not alone in this venture. You have those successful people looking at you and giving their helping hand because they know what it is that we are going through, They have found the right formula for Success. Which, they want you to know and understand, that is, Overcoming your greatest FEAR!

Looking Deeply

Fear is not actually to be feared at all! Fear is developed within us because this is a result of our past failures. It deals with our emotions and, oftentimes. dwelling with it may lead us to become passive and conclusive to what is not known. Our past failure becomes our guiding principle to never want to do any venture anymore. When you fail in one company, it does not mean you will fail again in another company. Let those experiences be our guide to be wise with our decision, but don't let it discourage us to not wanting to try again.
When we don't take action, we dwell much on what we feel rather than on what we want to do. Looking deeply, Fear makes us scared of something that is not really known to us because we have not overcome past failures. It really controls the way we think and the way we take action or no action at all. 

How do we define FEAR now?

FEAR can be defined as False Emotion Appearing Real. When we think of something that is not happening, and we fear, that is just an emotion. It appears to be real because we have already placed in our thoughts that this is true.
The next time we encounter our fear, two things may lead us. 

We may FEAR - Face Everything And Run or 
we may FEAR - Face Everything And Rise! 

Which one will you choose?

If you want to become successful, starting your journey will give you a lot of learning inspiration from those who have overcome their greatest FEAR. They managed to face their emotions, and are now enjoying the greatest success in their life.
If I were to ask you, which one would you follow?


Overcoming the fear of rejection is not an overnight process, but with patience, persistence, and self-compassion, it is possible to break free from its grip and embrace a life of courage, authenticity, and fulfillment. By understanding the roots of this fear, challenging negative beliefs, and cultivating resilience, individuals can navigate setbacks with grace and emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before. So take that leap of faith, knowing that rejection is not a reflection of your worth, but rather an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

Learn more from our Online Training Program

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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Be the Boss of your Own | Stop Working for others

How would you like to work on your own rather than working for somebody else?

Employment is good and there is nothing wrong with it especially when you are getting started. working for your Boss at the initial stage s good and well recommended. 
Different companies have different types of boss.  Some are good and some are bad. Working for them gives us better understanding of how we will manage to have our own someday.  Make that experience as a stepping stone towards your journey to be the Boss of your Own!

As a piece of advise, remain employed within the next 3 to five years of your early career, but beyond that, you must consider establishing your own business. That means, by the time you got employed, save some for you start up capital. You don't need to have big money to start a business. 

Steps towards starting your own Business

1. You need to Plan Ahead 
2. Determine what kind of Business you need to start
3. Determine How much money you need to invest
4. Create a saving plan
5. Learn how to do it 
Learning is the key. With the right knowledge, you 
6. Start your "Day 1" 

Any type of business have their beginnings, starting your Day 1 is the first step in raching out for your Dreams. In fact, this will be your inspiration to keep you going. 

You must have a clear vision as to where you would want to go. 

When you start your Day 1, 

That journey should be enjoyable and result oriented. Set some goals for you to achieve in a span of time. Remember, goals are dreams with a time frame. Don't let your dreams stay as a dream. Have the compassion to do it diligently. That day will be true when you started your journey with one step ahead. Instead of Dreaming for One Day, you need to take action with your Day 1.

When you have started, 
you must think agaain and go back to basics. 

Determine your deepest "WHY?"

Your Deepest Why will drive you more and more to achieving your dreams!

Here's the article I have written about knowing the most compelling reason why you need to do the business, "KNOWING YOUR DEEPEST WHY?"

Start an Online Business | A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Start an online Business?

There are ways to help you start an online business. To help you get started, you need to get an overview of what it is to do an online business with no money or little investment. Getting started is one of the many stages you will encounter as you go along. Our training program LEARN and BUILD is a good way to start your starting point. As you are reading this blog, you are already getting the first training we have. Yes this is part of the learning. You will learn mire as we discuss more detailed topics on our training program. 

There are 3 main key points in this training program;
  1. How to get started
  2. Running your business
  3. Sustaining and Growing your income
Getting started involves decision making so we will refer you to our topic “How to make a Good Decision” this will guide you in making the right choice. This is a business that needs time and effort where we combine learning the skills you need and building the business at the same time.

Running the business is the next key point where you will be equipped with skills you need to keep your learning and with the corresponding tasks to do each step of the way, that way, your business is running and you will start to get a small income that can eventually grow with our system in place. There are 5 Skills you need to run an online business successfully.  Part of the learning process is the online marketing which we will discuss here. 

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Early Retirement Plan | A five-year plan

Do you want to enjoy your retirement early? 

Enjoying the precious time with your family instead of spending much time away with them because you need to work hard?

You can only do that when you gain much earnings, which, I believe is what you are aiming for that is why you took the risks of going abroad, right?

You decided to be away from your family to earn better income. But Have you realized that with employment, very rare that you will achieve more earnings if you are planning to stay away for 5 years, ten years or 20 years...make a reality check, numbers will never lie. Calculate how much you can earn in your current job and you can project how much will be in your hand when you are deciding to leave your employment.

Say you are Saving $100 per month

If you are planning to stay in 5 years time?

how much will you earn?

$100 x 12 (months) = $1,200 per year x 5 years = $6,000

In 10 years time

                                    $1,200 x 10 years =  $12,000

In 20 years Time

                                     $1,200 x 20 = $24,000

In 40 years Time

                                     $1,200 x 40 = $48,000

You will be saving $6,000 in 5 years, $12,000 in 10 years and $24,000 in 20 years and $48,000 in 40 years ( that is if you start working at age 20 and retire at age 60).

This is your basis if you will save $100 per month, the question is, are you able to save $100?, if you can add more then you can have a feasibility of your savings in the next 5 to 40 years of being employed.

Want to save much time and retire early? 

Why not start a business while employed, do it at your extra time and work smart.
If you can save $100 per month, you can start planning ahead to do a business with AimGlobal. You only need a minimum amount of money to be registered and become a business owner in a ver small start-up capital. You need at least $300 to start.

You dan choose whether you want to do the Online/offline Business or the Online Business module.

The Online/Offline business module is Aim Global

Register here for your access to our Online Training Program


To become a registered member of Aim Global, you need to buy the Global Package. Wherever you are, you can still register. We will deliver the product to you or if you are residing in countries with our business centers, that will be an advantage!

Connect with me on Facebook to give you more details and guide you

The Online Business Module is AimWorld

You can Watch the Video presentation of our unique product with a Triple patent in the US

You can buy the Starter package and get registered

Retire early and commit yourself to learning how to do the business in the next 5 years, I guarantee that you will never regret starting your business with Aim Global.

To get familiar with the system and how the business works, you can join our facebook team and get connected with us. This will help you get more knowledge about the business. Plus, you will be connected with us. We would love to get engaged with you and guide you all the way. From the time you will have your training on the Opportunity Plan Presentation, to becoming  registered member of Aim Global or AimWorld business modules. We will be guiding you even up to the time you will start the business and become successful!

lets plan for your early Retirement, 

WhatsApp me at +971566369740

In case you want to know me personally, you can follow see my profile here and get to know me personally.

To learn more about Online Marketing, you can register here and be included in our continuous Online Training Program