Tuesday, October 6, 2020

How to start the Right Business of Your Own

In any venture, Training is the backbone to help you understand the "how" the "what" and the "why". This will help you start your own business online and offline. Learning will give you a better perspective, will prepare you and equip you for the right one for you so that you can do the necessary steps. Test your business ideas and get you going following the path to success.


A. The "HOW" of the business 

If you have the knowledge and understanding of what you will be doing, you can lessen if not remove the doubt you have in mind. People who are misinformed are usually afraid to take the steps. When you get the proper knowledge then you can go on with these steps further;

1. You have to REMOVE YOUR DOUBT

2. You have to CONQUER YOUR FEAR

DOUBT is normal but if you have your Doubt, you will never move and if you will never move, you cannot get results. Being stagnant is as good as nothing at all, you need to act and the action should be the right one that will produce the result. Many people take the wrong action, therefore they get the wrong result. That is again fall under the training.

Imagine yourself first time riding a bike, if you don't know how to drive it, you are usually afraid. But that fear will be gone if someone will guide you along and teach you how to do the balancing and drive it confidently.

It is the same way with starting a business, to remove that fear, you need to have a mentor. A mentor can always guide you whenever you need help. And the relationship grows as you go along. A mentor is a person who do the same thing but just a little ahead of you, while he enjoys riding, he manage to teach you as well. It is the desire of the mentor to help you ride with confidence and if you learn the skills, you might dive faster. That is what makes a good mentor, he will bring our the best in you and do the best potentials you have. But you need to remember as well that you were mentored, so the baton was passed on you to do the same thing to people who wants to get started but don't know where and how to start.

The second one is to CONQUER YOUR FEAR

Everything we do, if we do it the first time, you will always have FEAR BUT if you look at FEAR as False Emotions Appearing  Real you can have the courage to Face Everything And Run or Rise. 

Emotions will go after, that is why DOUBT and FEAR go together. But if you have conquered the first one, you can overcome the next. Doubt is usually in the mind, the anecdote for that is Knowledge, while Fear is in the Heart and the anecdote is Confidence so that you can face with much courage.

Fear is just an emotion and its all in the mind.  Its normal to fear but if this will control your decision, you cannot act on it. 
As you overcome your fear, you can unleash your maximum potential. You just don't know how far you can go if you are already enjoying the ride!.

What can we learn from these?

1. Getting the right knowledge will remove your Doubt. So the first step in starting your business is to get all the knowledge you need. Training is a continuous activity. It is the learning experience that you get better understanding and simplify the process. Learning from each other is the greatest teacher that we have, so we can add in the Attitude you need to possess. That is the Attitude to be TEACHABLE. You must have the attitude with a GOOD LISTENING AND LEARNING ATTITUDE (GLLA). Going back to the example of riding a bike, If you are not willing to learn, the more it will take time for you to get started. You need to give in to instruction. Follow the instruction of your mentor, it is understandable at first if you are stiff and afraid. But the more you learn how to hold the handle, how to balance yourself, how to speed up and control the direction you are going the more you gain confidence. The instruction will be much different when you are already running. You will getting more tips on how to ride the bike with different kinds of roads, from rough to smooth, uphill and downhill, crowded place or busy streets. That level of knowledge are going towards making you a professional cyclist. That's the potential of the business in comparison.

2. Confidence will conquer your fear. But overconfidence will make you more harm if you are not careful. The more you gain confidence, the more you need to get smarter everyday. Learning and attitude will always go along your journey. Stay on the right tract with the right attitude. The secret formula to success is to stay humble and help other people in need of learning. 

As you learn, you need to become a teacher as well. This will let the right knowledge pass on to other people fast. If you have a mentor mentoring other people who wants to get started, and you are already mentoring other people as well, the work is delegated and you can teach more people. 

You will all enjoy the ride together!

That is the real essence of building a Network of like-minded people. You build a long and lasting business relationship while you develop a character of learning and teaching.

Before we go further with the HOW, let us explore the "What" first and lets get back to it later.

B. The "WHAT" of the business

Doing the business will always start with you. Alone. The business idea starts with your desire to do a business but you don't know what kind of business you will be doing. 

This is actually dealing with our "MINDSET". Many people don't know what business they will do because their mindset is in EMPLOYMENT. The mentality of earning big, is to do a business, but to work as an employee is what makes people do the action. When they start a business, they think money will come in every month! The mindset should match the action. 

Business is a business and you need to run it to earn. While employment is a regular work where you do a certain task for a company doing the business, you get paid for your time. Though Business will give you much better income but it does not come in just a click of a mouse. Just as the saying goes "Rome is not built in one Day" Business is the same, you need to do the hard work at the beginning.

Some people have the mindset of a business while they are employed. This is a wrong concept and many employees act like they are the BOSS. It is our intention to get you out of employment and be the Boss of your own, but this will be a transitioning period while you are actively employed. Don't act like a boss when you are employed but better act like a real employed with a mindset of a businessman.

While at work, it is better to start a business of your own. Take some effort to learn the business and save some money. Any business venture you will do will always require an investment. But you need to work smart. You don't need to invest that big amount of money. And that is another "mindset" deal with. People think that starting a business would require big amount of money, no! If you look and listen to the stories of successful people, they all started small and become big over time.

The smart way to do is to learn and then start the business as early as you can. If you are employed, you need to find time at your extra time to learn the business. Get all the necessary information you need. If you are employed and have no idea what to do, you need to get in touch to me so i can give you the idea. Reach me out at email leonard_des@yahoo.com. i would be more than happy to assist you. Learning is the first step to prepare you, then take the action later when you decide to do the business. Don't be in a hurry to decide then quit but learn and decide later, save money and do the action. 

What will you do? 

It can be a product you want to produce, a service that you need to offer. This path can be very rewarding if you do the right thing with the right attitude. This is the traditional way of doing the business. It can be a long process and requires so much money to invest and time to operate. If this is your type, go for it. I can help you evaluate and think of strategies you need to do to make this business running. I can help you in the set up develop the business idea backed up with feasibility studies.

But If you are looking for ways where you cannot produce your product but you want to promote the product of other people, then you can start with the non traditional way. This is by signing up as a Distributor. There are many companies that offer this way, you can promote the product of other company and earn income from it. The best method here is through Network marketing! Yes, you heard it right! Some people have a misconception about network Marketing as just merely recruiting other people. It is not that. That is a wrong knowledge, The Real network marketing is a real business for people with small capital but with the maximum potential income of a business equivalent to traditional one.

What is Network Marketing?

Network Marketing is a system of Distributing the product from the Manufacturer to the consumer. It is called non-traditional because it has modified the system of distribution. Let me show you a comparison:

Traditional Business

Distributes the product from manufacturer through the third party agencies like; Wholesalers to Dealers to Distributors down to the Retail stores to the Consumers. It has at least 4 channels of distribution before it goes to the Consumer. While

Network Marketing Business

Removes all the other channels of Distributors like the Wholesaler, Dealers and Distributors. Instead, it goes directly from the Manufacturer to the Retail Store and the consumer.

Many people started with Network Marketing without proper knowledge that is why many people did not get any result and concluded that it is a scam, but the truth is, they never spend time to learn. Learn about the system and how they can make the maximum potential earnings. They think they can do it without learning. That's a big NO! you need to learn first. Just as in my presentation here, you get started with the Knowing the business then doing it!

Taking the Route of Network Marketing 

If you decide to take this route, you are most welcome. But I would like to remind you that you need to learn first before you earn. Learn, get all the trainings you need before you actually register as a Distributor.

Get the training through my facebook page, get in touch with me and lets connect. I would like to know more about you. Send me message and let me help you.

As a brief, what you need to do to grow your business with Network Marketing system?

Just like any other business, Network Marketing and Traditional Business are the same. The mechanics and process may be different in principle but the way to grow is the same! yes, its the same. 

You need to:

1. Establish a group of product users to earn big. 

For traditional business,  You need to own a store. You can make our own product or you can be a Wholesaler or Retailer of a product. Owning a store means that you can put a lot of varieties of products. Capital is extensive and you need to do the feasibility studies what to do to get the ROI (Return on Investment). The point of getting income is to have more people buying from you. The more people buying the more you earn, and the more they come back, the better. That way, you are establishing a group of product users for a specific product you sell.

That is also true with Network Marketing! This is the most neglected part, This is actually the first step in any business presentation you will attend. You start by becoming a distributor for a set of product package. That is the investment. Some people think this is big, but it is the smallest investment to own a business where you don't need to get a license, rent a space to display the products, pay someone to sell and make inventories. All you have to do is focus on distributing the product by just sharing the good benefits of the product through your social media.

There are 3R principles to follow:


The first one is already discussed above where you do the distribution of the product by just sharing the good and healthy benefits of the product. You need not do a hard selling, though some good salesman have the better edge in doing this as compared to people with no sales background or knowledge. The good news is that you don't need to do hard selling, just follow the system and you can sell without selling. Just sharing will help you organize people who needs the product and they become your regular users (consumers)

The second one is Recruiting, though i hate using this work, just to rhyme the 3R principle, i used this term. The real term for this is actually Inviting potential person to become a Distributor or Retailer. As we have the system in place, You are not obliged to sell but you can sell more without selling using the "Principle of Leverage" This is multiplying your time with the time of other people.

Going back to my example of riding a bike, This is what I mean about multiplying your time by you getting started to learn. As you learn, you gain the experience and enjoy the ride, while enjoying, people will see your action. And they can be like you who are also looking for great opportunity but don't know where to start. So you can Invite them and let them learn the way you did. This is much simpler because you are just DUPLICATING what you have done. It may be different in time and setting but the way you teach will be the same.

So by inviting you establish the second means of creating bigger income, that is to establish a group of Retailers/Resellers. There are people who are just merely users of the product and there are also people who are good at reselling. In your growth, you have already been establishing regular users of the product and now you are establishing group of retailers. This will grow your income eventually.

Lets get back to the How and this is related to inviting people with Fear.

The greatest FEAR we have in this business is to INVITE. Again, with proper learning, you will know the proper skills in Inviting people.

The tendency actually is for you to INVITE all the people you know. Your friends, brothers, sisters, relatives and all the people you know. But, more often than not, the people you have invited and expects to join are the people that will REJECT you. That will be a testing ground for you if you are well informed about the business you are doing.

REJECTIONS are normal but you can avoid this if you have the right skill and right knowledge. You will not see rejection as personal attack to you but rather, learn the mindset of people you are inviting. Some will like what you are offering and some will not, so don't get distracted, proceed to the next.

With the 3R principle, you can already filter who are the product users and who are potential retailers.  Some product users can also be your retailer if they see the good benefits taking place. So you cant under estimate everyone. Keep them and enjoy the ride.

The last one is Retention. What are those people? They are the people who are able to Teach others as well. So these set of people will be coming from the retailers. Your duty is to train them the way you were trained. Duplicating is the Key!

Sign up here for our Training Program;

The EC Driver Plan Empowered Consumerism

The Economy Driver Plan 2.0 has been launched!

This is a Revolutionary and effective way to drive your own economy with the most proven and effective products to cater the world. Empowering you as a Consumer and making you a wise and effective Entrepreneur. This is what ECONOMY DRIVER PLAN 2 is all about!


Create your own economy. Drive your own economy. Buy and Earn at the same time. 

The 14 years of existence has already Created more than 12,000 millionaires around the world! An average of 3 in one month, Drives even faster with our latest Empowered Consumerism upgraded marketing plan. 

It leads the industry with its stable business model and international growth opportunities. This is the New Normal business of the future.

Bigger Earnings with our Multiple streams of Income method:

AIM Global continuously innovates and improves the Marketing plan to meet the industry's expectations and standard. The more you buy the more you earn! Plus of leveraging system let you earn bigger

3 ways of becoming Empowered Consumer:

Promote Online and Offline and 

1. Be a Regular Product User (Empowered Consumer) and Distribute the product by constantly sharing the benefits of our product on your social media account.

2. Create a group of Product Users and invite them to become Distributor

3. Create a Group of Distributors and Train them to become Leaders

Here's the mechanics:

1. By Becoming a Regular Product User, you sign up as a Distributor. As a distributor, you get 25% Lifetime Discount where you can chose to buy regularly for your own health and personal consumption. Earn points and earn income by doing just that.

Share the good benefits of our product to other people in Need, You become a Retailer and earn extra from the retail sales. The more you share, the more people become aware of the health benefits. And the more people would likely to buy from you.

With our unlimited number of testimonials around the world who have benefitted and are now living a healthy lifestyle, even in this time of Global Pandemic, our product has consistently been proven effective, protects from internal and external diseases, keeping people safe and healthy!

As you establish a group of people who are buying from you regularly, you are doubling your earnings because you earn more points. this is WISE AND EMPOWERED CONSUMERISM.

2. With those regular buyers, you can offer them the same opportunity, by inviting them to be an EMPOWERED CONSUMER and avail the ECONOMY DRIVER PLAN, They will become your business partners, the more they buy, the more they earn, and you earn as well. This is the same business model used by big companies like SM Supermalls. You now become an entrepreneur. You Drive you own economy!

Using the principle of leveraging, your income will increase. You don't just earn for yourself, but you have helped another person in need of the same opportunity you are looking for. 

The keyword here is help. Keep helping people by training them. By just updating them with the company's latest news and updates regarding the product or the marketing plan. this way they will really feel that you care for them and that you want them to succeed as well.

This is the business of the century and its setting the trend for the New Normal. Make use of the internet as all people are now looking for ways to earn income online.

This is a wonderful opportunity to share.

3. When you have regular Distributors, our training program will prepare you for the next level of earning bigger income. You create more leaders and help them drive their economy. You build bigger income, Help Drive the economy of your leaders and this will help your country's economy as well.

Teach your team and enjoy the journey together. The fastest you do, the closer you get to your dreams.

Team work is the key in this stage. It makes the task easier when you have a strong team that works altogether with you. You are building a lifetime income so you need to build a lifetime team and grow together as a family. Not just for money but for a stronger relationship to build your future.


The Formula for Success:


As a Wise Consumer, you buy and earn, duplicate the process and earn bigger, Delegate to people you build even bigger income. Training is the key, learning before your earn!

Our company has been recognized by several award giving bodies from the MLM industry and the business sector not only in the Philippines but around the World. We are now conquering the European Market.

To open the doors of opportunity and prosperity by empowering our distributors to achieve financial independence and economic stability by maximizing the wealth of the market through our breakthrough products and services.

To provide unmatched innovation and quality distribution of outstanding products and services to local, regional, and global markets.

Participating Countries:

These are the countries where we have our offices and training centers. You can network with us to connect your team around the world. We belong to one family here. If you know someone in any of these countries, get connected and align them to our business centers here and invite them to take a look at our Company, Product and our Marketing System that will empower them.
  • Brunei
  • Cameroon
  • Europe
  • Ghana
  • Hong Kong
  • Ivory Coast
  • Kenya
  • Kuwait
  • Pakistan
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Rwanda Solomon
  • South Africa
  • Taiwan
  • Tanzania
  • Togo
  • UAE
  • Uganda
  • Zambia
If you are coming from this country and you have come across this post and want to learn more about EMPOWERED CONSUMERISM, you can connect with our in our facebook page.

Join us now! 

Contact us in our facebook page or email me at leonard_des@yahoo.com if you would like to know more and get a personal training from me. 

Our latest EC Driver Plan 2 Packages are now available in UAE

The NPP (New Product Policy) is the EC Package for members who wants to upgrade their account to avail the and upgraded Marketing Plan that will cover all of the existing accounts. 

3 New EC DRIVER Plan 2 Packages:

Contact us for more details:

Whatsapp +971585097457

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Start your training to understand more and learn our Company Profile, Products and Services and most especially our UPGRADED MARKETING PLAN that will help you build an Extra Source of Income that can Replace your Employment Income following our proven system. Focus, Learn, and Do the ACTION, in 2 to 3 years of doing this consistently, you can be the ECONOMY DRIVER OF YOUR INCOME!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Bring Vision to Life | Learn and Build

VISION to LIFE | achieving your Dream with deadline

The way to bring your vision to life is to look at your circumstances, clearly define it and start looking forward. Think of creative ideas you can do to make your vision a reality. Assessing your situation would help you understand what you are then ask yourself where you want to be  in the future. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What is Empowered Consumerism | Aim Global

 Empowered Consumerism is a concept of empowering the consumers by giving them the opportunity to become entrepreneurs by consuming the product. This is a smart way to earn income by just merely buying the product regularly, it is a matter of shifting your monthly purchase from the old product you consume to the new products you need, this is what empowered consumerism aim global is offering you.

Empowered Consumerism Products

The products of empowered consumerism are the same product offered is you are familiar with Aim Global. But for those who are not, I would like to introduce the products so that you can be more convinced that you can shift your regular buying to these products. 

There are different categories of products you can choose from;

Food Supplements TOP RATED PRODUCTS!

Introducing our Newest Product

C Supreme U13


This is not just the normal vitamin C but it is the New Generation, New Normal, New Smart Vitamin C!

C Supreme is a revolutionary from of Vitamin C. Lipid metabolites that enhances the delivery, availability, absorption kinetics, distribution, uptake, concentration, and utilization efficacy of essential Vitamin C to the Cells of the body.

It has Supreme Absorption
Supreme Retention and
Supreme Performance

This is not just for Marketing material but proven backed up by Science with Human clinical data claiming superiority as compared to your usual Vitamin C product.

What makes it unique?
Made by pureway C, USA. this is the active ingredient manufactured in the US. 
Its exclusive natural herbal formulation:

Vitamin C (United States of Pharmacopeia L-Ascorbic Acid)
Citrus Bioflavonoids complex
LIpit Metabolites (from generally recognized as safe vegetable waxes)

Pureway-C have undergone proprietary micro-encapsulation technology to optimize long term stability and supreme efficacy.

Backed by Research

Reliable in Peer-reviewed medical Journals
Positive and superior results in human when compared to other forms of Vitamins to other forms of vitamin C preparations
Provides a clinically substantiated dose composition
Works faster and stays longer at the cellular level

How Does C-Supreme increase Absorption and Retention Rate?

Bioflavonoids Composition
C-Supreme citrus bioflavonoids protects the Vitamin C from oxidizers in the body and support the ability to protect against chronic inflammatory diseases, improve immune system function and help heal wounds.

Proprietary fatty Acid - Lipid Metabolites Formula
C-Supreme lipid metabolites allows ascorbic acid to enter cells more quickly in a safe and effective manner, acting as ascorbic acid carriers to increase intestinal absorption and tissues distribution of vitamin C and enhance cellular uptake kinetics.

Stomach Friendly Formulation
First barrier:
Oral intake to gastrointestinal tract

Second Barrier:
Bloodstream into intracellular membrane

Clinical Data Claim
Superior Absorption and Retention by the Human body, 233% Higher absorption rate than other forms of Vitamin C.

Rapid Fibroblast Healing
3X Faster than other forms of Vitamin C

Delivers 12% More Antioxidants, 11% Higher Free Radical Scavenging Activities using the ORAC and the DPPH Method.

Laboratory Research (In Vitro) Shows:
Protection of the Nervous system by promoting the survival of the Nerve Cells
Delivers Effective Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging Activity
Enhances Normal wound healing by improving the functioning of the Collagen secreting fibroblast Cells
Has a greater protective effects on immune cells that have been exposed to toxins.

Human Clinical Studies also shows:
Better absorbed and retained in the Serum at Higher levels than other forms of Vitamin C
Decreases Blood Levels of A common marker of an Imbalance Immune response
Decreases Blood Levels of A common marker of Oxidative Stress

All comparative research studies in Vitro and in Humans demonstrated that C-Supreme with Pureway C has superior capabilities when compared to other forms of Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate, Calcium Ascorbate, Ascorbic Acid and Ester-C)

Buy this product HERE


This is our Flagship Product.

All other prouducts are in this video

Order C24/7 product HERE

See all our Food Supplement Product Store HERE


See all our Naturacentials Product Store HERE


See all our Naturacentials Product Store HERE

Interested in Becoming An International Distibutor? 

You can Earn Extra income at the comfort of your home by becoming a Lifetime and earn income by just buying plus a bonus income by Referring to other people.

Connect with me on Facebook   send message if you are interested to learn from my Online Training Program.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cell phone Risk | are you aware of it?

Everyday we are using our cell phones, frequent usage can cause health hazards that could possibly affect our brain. 

Cell phone emits radiofrequency energy (radio waves) or otherwise known as the ElectroMagnetic Field radiation (EMF) categorized into two types:
1. Ionizing
2. Non Ionizing
Ionizing - are those that found in x-rays, radon and cosmic rays.
Non Ionizing- are radio frequency, extremenly low frequency or power frequency.
These emssions can damage your brain and causes cancer, this is according to World Health Organizations research. Just similarly to microwave oven does to our food, frequent exposure to radiation does to our brain cells, This is alarming environmental protection risk. The most vulnerable are the kids who frequently use cell phones. This could be felt in a 10 year period. That's where we should alarm our kids to limit the use of cell phones.
Serious effect of Cell phone radiation brings 40% increase in health hazards.
How to protect yourself from EMI?

Alliance in Motion Global has produced a product that protects our bodies from these radiation.
This is the Ener Chi diffuser.

This is a thin disk that can be stuck onto your cell phones and any electronic devices like laptops and tablets that are possible sources of EMF radiation.

This product can protect you from Harmful Radiation.

Protect your gadgets and yourself. 

Order for you and your loved ones in one package available for delivery in your country.

Monday, August 20, 2018

How to Join Aim Global?

How to Join Aim Global?
There are 2 basic Steps to join!

Attend our Training, learn and build your network, buy the Global Package and get started!

Order our Glonal Promo Package for only $145 icluding shipment

See how many people are Smiling and their life is changing because their created their new source of income doing it on their free time!

Here's the Video and watch
Part time Income means that you don't need to leave your job. You just have to create another means so that this will be your earnings and when you reach the income you are targeting, you can start planning to leave your employment and become the Boss of your Own.
I wonder if people are saying they don't have time to do this business, you know the reason why? Because they don't understand the business!
If they do, they will do everything they can to do the business and even if they don't have money, for sure they will look for some in order to join.
Look at the things you are so busy with, is it giving you extra income or you are just spending time! That's the reason why you cannot give time, because you don't believe this will give you much income compared to your employment.
Think of those times you do after work, why not convert those times into the time where you can learn, enjoy and create new means of income. We are ready to help you.
How to Join?

First, you need to attend our training, if you don't have any business center in your country, you can contact me so that we can establish a training program and eventually establish a business center in your country. 
Register here for your online training
( This will open another window for the registration process. Please do return to this page and continue reading the procedures)
For Abu Dhabi Resients, you can contact me for the schedule of Training in this number 
+971566369740 (Leo)
For other countries where we have business centers you can refer to this listing here
Second is to Buy the Global Package - The Global Package is the start up package where you are buying a package of product for you to start Retailing. That is very simple. With the package of products, you can start selling the products. But I recommend you to use the product so that you can have the first hand information about how effective is the product. This can be your invest especially to your Health.


Above all, we care about your health! Most hardworking employees spend so much time with their job and even neglecting their meals because of the pressure at work.  Because you want to take the responsibility, therefore, more often, you skip your meals! Later, you will realize that you work hard for the money during your younger years, but in the later days, you are now spending the money you earned to recover your health....and mostly they end up being broke, alone and facing a tragic illness.
While you are young, why not invest in your health condition. 
Try the product and see to it that you will become the product of your own product. It is better that way so that the products will be part of your system. Even if you don't feel anything right now, you never know what is happening inside you body. You think you are healthy but there are so many cells being damaged everyday.
I suggest you should maintain at least 2 C24/7 per day. This will eventually give you much earning because of the proven system that we have and that is in Network Marketing. The employment scenario nowadays are very alarming because there are numerous
Don't doubt, we have already proven the system and we have the results from the Company Achievements, to the Product Testimonials and Wealth Testimonials.
All three components of a successful Company is here with us.

Want To know what are those?

2 Guinness world Book of Records
1. The Largest Human Smiley
2. The Largets Assembly Wearing Smiley Mask
We also have the Achievements and ranked as the no.1 Direct Selling Companies in the World
We have the Top CEO in the World
Top Marketing Plan
Top Flagship product in the world
All of these Achievements are ranked as no.1 in the whole world.

How you can have a sustainable Income?

You will learn from our training the important lesson. This is the application of the "Law of Leverage". Law of leverage is multiplying your time with the time of other people. If you are doing this on a part time basis, this is a very useful information that will help you build a huge income in the future.
This is the essence of network marketing. You will learn how to become a leader and influence people to open their minds to this opportunity and build your network.
Network marketing is used by all successful entrepreneurs, they were able to multiply their time with the time of other people.

Like our Board of Directors and one of the top earners featured at Business for Home survey, they applied this principle and they are now ranked as no. 1 in the worldwide survey!
(as the latest result of the survey that our company has been the ranked as no. 1 for 4 consecutive years now with our President Doc Ed as the Ambassadors of Network Marketing together with Mr. Joseph Lim)
No Excuses!

With this proven system, no one can make excuses now because the system has proven itself to be very effective. It is a vehicle for you to get your dreams faster. If not longer, it will bring you to where you want to go, unless you quit, you cannot achieve that dream. 
All training are available, all products are marketable, useful and effective. All our marketing plan will let you start from zero knowledge to becoming a professional network marketer. Our company has been receiving awards after awards every year!
All of the system are in place, the only missing part is YOU!. You just have to believe, make a decision and start your training. Set the time frame when do you want to achieve that dream, while you are still employed, work smart and be diligent to know fast. Then apply immediately what you have learned and start earning.
When you Join
These are your benefits

By buying the Global Package, you will have a certain number of packages to sell. If not, you can use it for your own. That means, you can use the products in two ways too. Both are beneficial. If you have any illness, you really need our product. Even if you don't, you still need our product C24/7 in particular because this will help you balance your health. You don't know what is happening inside your body, and as you are exposed to Free Radicals, more cells are getting damaged everyday. This will not make you sick, but as time pass by, you will see the adverse effect of getting more cells damaged. That is why our C24/7 is very useful even if you are not sick. This is a good food supplement because it is the most complete nutrition you need everyday.
On the business part, you have already a starter package. You can start retailing. And when you will be able to sell those products, you get the Return on your investment. You can reorder the product and this time any of your choice. With your 25% lifetime discount, you can plan ahead and see what product will sell. Going into that direction, you should consider ordering large amount and immediately get your profit. 
The Marketing plan is in progression with your daily activity. I mean, if you start reordering the product, and start earning, you can include doing the other means of income which is the referral method, If you refer the business to other people who are looking for opportunities, and when they join, you will be paid by the company. That is another means of income.
You will have your own DTC (Distributor Tracking Center). This is a personalized website. You will have your own username and password to tract down all your transactions. This is your main business center which you can access anywhere you go. You should look at your website every now and then because you can see all the transactions. 
There are 7 ways to earn
  1. Retailing
  2. Direct Referral Bonus
  3. Matching Sales Bonus
  4. Unilevel Income
  5. Straistep Promotion
  6. GA Max
  7. Royalty Income
All of these are discussed in the training.

Register now and order your Global Package. 
Register here for the online training and
get connected with me on facebook here

Product Testimonials

We have numerous product testimonials to prove that our product is very effective! The video below is just one of the many testimonials you can watch who have benefited from our products. The illness are not the normal ones, but those that are really so complicated situation, but were healed using our products.
Tumor on Esophagus (Invasive Adenocarcenoma), Got healed by using C24/7- Mrs. Rowena Corpuz
Cancer Patient from Papua New Guinea got well from C24/7
You can watch all other videos in our facebook page here
What else are you waiting for?
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